...and heard a news report just now on the radio. The US cargo ship
Maersk Alabama has just arrived at its destination in Kenya, but without it's captain, Richard Phillips, who is being held hostage by pirates. The reporter was describing that the crew were in the port but still on the ship. In response to a question about captain Richard Phillips shouted up by someone on the shore, one of the crew shouted "THAT MAN SAVED OUR LIVES!!"
What overwhelming gratitude this crew must feel!
I am always humbled and inspired by stories of people who put themselves at grave risk for the survival of others. Would I be courageous enough to do the same in a similar situation?
This weekend I, along with Christians worldwide, am remembering and celebrating Jesus Christ's ultimate sacrifice for mankind. I want to take a moment and say with gratitude and joy: "THAT MAN (Jesus Christ) SAVED MY LIFE!!!!"
As the years go on, I am increasingly amazed and thankful about this, realizing more and more that I am so very far from deserving such rescuing.
For a while, I have been meaning to mention a blog
Peace Within Reach that is authored by my brother in law Fred. Fred has a heart for serving struggling people in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He is ministry director at Center of Hope there. In order to reach anyone else who may be seeking peace in their lives, he has started this blog recently. I encourage you to click on the link and check it out if you feel so led.
Wishing you a blessed and joyful Easter...